There are rules to Gridcosm, that's what makes it Gridcosm. If we let it purely "self-regulate", then we would allow the square-jacking of reservations, deletion of pieces... anything goes. That doesn't appeal to me. All I want to do is insure "gridhogging" doesn't occur and that blendiness is promoted. I was thinking of an alternative today. An organic "rating" system. Each "player" could cast votes on other players, with voting powers coming via participation. Highly rated users could have "unlimited" posting. Low rated users would be subjected to several tiers of limitation. This way, the community decides who flows and doesn't. So maybe the limited posting rules wouldn't apply to highly-regarded "articipants" such as yourself, Eva. As long as you kept your "ratings" up. But even the most unpopular Gridcosmonauts would be able to post their x-number of pieces per day. By the way, SITO t-shirts are finally IN! At long last! Those of you who have made $30+ donations will be receiving your shirts in the next several days.