SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
JSH level 1513
by  [mail] 2003-06-06 12:35:29 [6729]
"something like a ''4 pieces per day'' limit per user"

OED, will that limit be automated? So a player simply won't be allowed to reserve a square after the limit has been exceeded?

JSH, you did six on level 1513. And now you're doing another one on level 1514. You're going for eight in a 48 period, maybe? You'll doubtless be cut some slack because you're a newbie. Anyway, your work looks competent. You're a professional? Welcome to this obscure zone of madness in cyberspace.

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Re: OED (or UWI?) level 1500
Re: JSH level 1513
potential piece posting l..

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