I think these words say it best:"So many times, it happened too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive" I see this lyrics from Eye The Tiger by Survivor as a cautionary parable about the Gridcosm. Let's go through it line by line: "So many times, it happened too fast" It starts off with a description of something everybody does from time to time, uploading a square too quickly. "You trade your passion for glory" Instead of thinking thoughtfully about the content you are making or thinking about collaboration, you go for the easy square. Stick in a photo of whatever you see on Google news that day, make some squiggles with a new Photoshop brush, etc. "Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past" Remember the promise of the Internet;People collaborating across the world in a freanzy of creativity. It's too easy to fall into the Postmodern "content is meaningless" trap; i.e. When Did Art Get So Cynical? "You must fight just to keep them alive" The final line in the stanza: I interpret "fight" here using the 3rd definition: # To strive vigorously and resolutely. The gridcosm is a fight of some sorts, it is also a clique. And using the skills and talents you possess as an artist, you must fight with images. It's a cold , dark world my friends. And this tiny digital refuge from the brutal pathos of the universe is bigger than you know.