"I think you think my contributions look like shit. In your square 1430 B3 you filled in the text should make it look like shit." No. Please don't take it personally. It was just too tempting. Not because you posted it. I would have done the same thing to anyone's square with incomplete text on it like that. I'm just sorry I was so burned out that my words were banal. I was hoping that the banality would be perversely funny in an ironic sort of way. I should have done a weird stream of consciousness instead... People have blended weird words next to my squares several times. Really good stuff. "Maybe I'm not wanted around here. Does everyone feel the same way?" Nobody feels that way, I'm sure. "Or maybe it's a problem that TCA has with me. It's like on level 974 when you put your square B1 next to mine and said ''Well Duh!'' and linked it to a page on Manhattan hookers." No, I wasn't making fun of you on that level. As for the link, I thought it might be of interest. Maybe only I found it interesting. "If you want to make me the toad, then let's have a vote, right now." SNY told me months ago that nobody gets voted off this island. Otherwise I would have gotten the boot in November 2000. Only UWI and OED have the power to toad.