SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: WELCOME to the dogpile
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2003-03-02 05:14:59 [6184]
... I was just thinking pheonix from the fire. That kind of shit can work sometimes too.

When RJW went on his childish rant on ...gridcosm?level=1262 we all managed to make something with his shit, but I guess he didn't really learn his lesson either. Hmmm????

Well, I guess what rubbed me was the *THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SOMETHING BETTER* aspect of it all. The connective links could have been made with little effort on your (OED's) part. I KNOW that YOU of all people are very capable of that.

Iknow I was defending HRZ earlier, but now the grid does look a bit like doo doo (not your fault oEd, but SNY's got some garrish shit going on (though it does blend)) I sure don't feel like cleaning it up, (nor am I sure of how to even begin to make it all whole again,) but I sure wish it would go away fast. HRZ? RJW? MOX? SNY? TCA? ANYBODY?

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