SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2003-03-02 03:17:50 [6182]
I get OED's signature protest, but I felt it was unnecessary due to SNY's wrap up on ...gridcosm?level=1377

... a different solution to the same old issue. I think if OED needed to play his signature protest, he should have at least respected SNY's solution by blending his protest piece in with what SNY played.

I also get the feeling that he was particulary interested in the a3 collaboration that did not happen on 1375. (He didn't bother resetting b1 nor c2 this time for some reason.) If this is the case then why didn;t he blend that damn oragne penis head into the red hand above the cards? Also, the burgundy and black in a2 is no longer relevant without Mr. Rogers in the picture, so why leave it in? What's the thinking going on here? I'm not sure I understand the halfway protest. Either you are going to ignore the center tile, or not!

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a neighbor"

... who respects everyone's contributions?

The symbol I used in ...gridcosm?level=1379 is Arabic for PEACE.

I like the rest get upset when I see the grid turned into a personal tool for pattern making. But I was actually inspired by how SNY handled the situation. Let's not scare every new comer that happens to try the grid out (ONLY the really dense one's who can't manage to collaborate) Even if HRZ first attempts to collaborate failed horrifically, even if his contributions thus far are not the most graceful, he seems to now get the idea (COLLABORATION). Let's not jump all over his cse until he proves a menace.

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