SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Alternacosm b
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2003-01-15 18:15:24 [5957]
I think a limited run would make it more meaningful, as would messing with the geometry (see Mike's post ...discuss?num=5952&topic=sito.synergy.gridcosm) I would want do something in the range of 23-37 levels, just to allow it to go somewhere. % levels would feel like walking from the house to the car, if you know what I mean.

So, thus far we have MKC< JER< EHO< and NLT< on board. I'd say we should set a date for the PANIC session.

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Re: Mikecosm ???? PANIC!?

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