I think that ( IMHO ) EHO and I are just a certain type of animal; in regard to the levels stated by TCA, I suppose that EHO and I were simply feeling the need to create. It is admittedly awkward to collab for a few levels so minimally. These levels were evolving during the Christmas/post-Christmas time period; I had imagined that some of the ''regulars'' were simply too involved with their lives.... EHO, from what I can see regularly relies on the Grid, yet more so, Communiage, to relaease her creative animal. I had struggled with the raw truth that the Grid is a mechanism fe by movement and ideas. If some could not move it along for a while, some realized in their madness and persistent devotions that it HAS to move on. Like oxen in the Serengeti, you simply move, be careful, keep nourished, and stay in flux. EHO and I, I feel were like cropdusters flying our distant planes over the filedfunnel of the Grid, aware of the necessity, perhaps selfishly concerned of our own needs. In order to keep creating there has to be new space and to get new space -- some must create it and destroy it. TCA is a visual artist, inevitably, hoever he goes about it. We all are here. OK must run. SNY