Carl Jung collaborated with the Nazis, and he was one of the most creative scientists who ever lived. But you're right about Beckmann, he wasn't a collaborator."Some [German painters] such as August Macke and Franz Marc, had their lives cut tragically short while serving in war, while others, such as Otto Dix, George Grosz, and Christian Schad, were unable to regain their creative edge following Nazi persecution. Beckmann not only survived such misfortunes but excelled in spite of them." Max Beckmann <>An inspiring life's story. Thanks for adding him to level 1326, SNY. The swastika arm band and flag was common in war movies and TV shows of the 1950s and 1960s. This may help to explain why Mel Brooks and the Pythons used real swastikas. My biggest challenge on 1325 was blending a1, b1 and c1. I was thinking about the competition of Microsoft versus Apple versus Linux vesus yada yada yada. Which explains the context of comedy. This competition has been peaceful with relatively few casualties. In World War I, pilots flew with no parachute. In World War II, Nazi V2 rockets rained death on London. That's one hell of a way to gain rapid progress in aeronautical and rocket science. The peaceful computer revolution is worth celebrating.