SNY, I agree with you when you chastize TCA when he puts content ahead of continuity and unity of the grid level. TCA, I think your contributions in 1287, 1292, 1293 are fine, and the tanker incoporates the news of the day with the whole level so well that I bow deeply to you. I think you could have done as well with the guys on the beach if you had altered some of the background to it repeated the white, or the grey texture from b3. For my part, I would rather abandon my idea than hammer it into a hole that doesn't fit. I feel really embarrased when I do one that doesn't blend into the whole level. Now if I thought that you were unable to understand the design requirements, I would patiently make suggestions and wait for you to catch on. Since you obviously can do it, I feel impatient and irritated, and puzzled. What about a different forum for those topical images that don't fit the current level? Respectfully as well as critically, ODR