SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: TCA Level 1260
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2002-10-27 01:12:40 [5641]
Man TCA - your explanations baffle me - apparently not only do you want to take skaty 8 hours to make a panel - but you require that much time to think about what you did and type it here.

You are part of the EVIL clan. I stand with JER.

YOu cannot REALLY excel at blending, but that is part of the evil clan way.

Rock on dudde but be aware you, beside any explanation, any wordy explanation laden with sited examples, your kind stand out like luminol on Court TV.

I wrote this for I thought this:

"This level exorcised a boatload of personal demons. It's a shame you don't like it."

was arrogant considering your lack of skills.


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Re: TCA Level 1260
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