SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: [READINGS] Crossovers
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2002-07-24 09:06:54 [5055]

SNY, you probably noticed the references to Armored Baby and 999+.

"My reading for 999 that I did is listed here. Dictionaraoke <> Although this is not a reworked song song (like placing the words of the MW dictionary-online into ''Crazy Train '') and I told them when I sent it along, they placed it up there!"

Yeah, I stole the image in 1172-c3 from a popup ad that I encountered at the website. ...gridcosm?level=1172

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[READINGS] Crossovers
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