Sir Arthur? No. However, the two men share much in common. Both are out-of-the-closet pro writers. His name is Paul Moor. Here's an opera review that he wrote for a newspaper if you really want to read it. review by Paul Moor <>
BTW, JER's portrait of Sir Arthur on level 1160-b3 ...gridcosm?level=1160 seems to have gone through the same Photoshop filter as this poor fellow on level 586-c3. ...gridcosm?level=586 It's yet another TCA creation.
A search reveals that Paul Moor edited a book titled _Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Perversion_ in 1988. Another Google entry, this from the Independent Gay Forum: "Music critic Paul Moor, a former lover, decided, ''By some miracle Aaron remained as free of neurosis as anyone I've ever known.'' Later Moor added that Copland was ''one of the dearest, kindest, most thoughtful and fundamentally good human beings I've ever known." I didn't know that Aaron Copland was gay. Moor lived and worked in San Francisco, then moved to Berlin in 1994. From there, he posted to an international BBS network, which is where I encountered his words. Incidentally, the BBS was predominantly straight and vanilla. Rated PG-13. Like Clarke, Moor could be trusted around straights and children. He was known as the BBS's resident curmudgeon. There's also a golfer and a tennis player named Paul Moor, a Paul Moor special education institute in Germany, and a Paul Moor park in San Jose, California. No relation.
This early effort earned me praise--it's a portrait of sci-fi author Philip K. Dick--he wasn't gay but he was very weird. Photoshop 2.5.1 LE, pre-PowerMac, 20 megs of RAM.