Is anyone using it while creating Gridcosm squares? Apple - Mac OS X - Studio Artist <> Around here somewhere is an old installation CD-ROM of Studio Artist 1.0 that I bought months ago at a deep discount but have never tried. Maybe I'll give it a whirl on the Grid."Digital Media Design called it ''the single greatest art tool available today.'' It's won Best of Show by Macworld [...]" Apple - Mac OS X - Studio Artist <> So says the hype at 2.0 runs on OS X. Silly me--isn't Photoshop 7 is the most indispensable digital art tool for OS X today? Or GIMP if you're on the Linux/*BSD side. The sample artwork (top) probably won't inspire much more than a sneer from jaded SITOids. It looks like a filter accident that might have happened when I was using Photoshop LE 2.5.1 back in 1996. Like this portrait of a BBSer (bottom) that I created while experimenting with Photoshop LE 2.5.1 many moons ago. And keep in mind that I'm the least accomplished artist in all of SITOland.