"some day, when our grandkids are working on levels with five digits, they will look back and laugh that we were worried about an edge here or there! haha" Worry? Tell me about it. About thirty minutes after I posted 1121-b1, I kicked myself for not posting it to TCA's Artchive showcase as an alternative Gridcosm square instead of posting it to Gridcosm. Then yesterday morning I looked at it again, changed my mind and felt glad that I'd found the courage to add it to the Grid. Then ODR said that TCA's 1121-b1 sucks. Ouch. So now I'm worried about it again. ...gridcosm?level=1121 That square is anything but uninspired. It's fraught with dark symbolism. I'm usually not so serious. Lou Reed called it the "chemical sky"--he was talking about his native Brooklyn--I live in Southern California, the phrase fits here. The telephone pole is abstract. It does not perfectly fit the square below it.
This is what it looked like prior to GIMP filter magic. Yes, it's the logo of the American Lung Association. I won't burden you with the thoughts that inspired the creation of this square--mostly a personal crisis that I'm working through, nothing SITO-related. BTW, I actually did complete SNY's lizard paws, but forgot to include them in the finished piece. Some finishing touches to EHO's jester were also accidentally erased. Sorry. 1121-b1 is not an example of a tame TCA contribution." Guess I'm still trying to get closure on the wild phase.