SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
??? EHO level 1116 c1 c3
by Thomas C Armagost [tca SITOme] [email Thomas C Armagost] 2002-05-27 02:21:17 [4622]
"Someone may want to [disregard] rude anonymous posts."

Or not. ;-)


Am I the recipient of yet another sucker punch? I cheered when I saw that EHO had done those two squares. She was the one who I'd hoped would do 'em. But after the images had finished downloading on this slow 56k connection, I felt puzzled disappointment. If it's a joke, I'm sorry but I don't get it. EHO could have blended c2 if she'd wanted to. EHO could have pulled the whole level together if she'd wanted to. c2 was a challenge but she has succeeded at rising to similar challenges in the past.

Was the image of an American standup comic in c2 off-putting? Hey, feel free to post images of Europeans or Africans, or of anyone on Earth.

Bottom line: EHO, a long succession of Gridcosm levels comprised of 100% freehand drawings in a single uniform style would be oppressive, I think. But if that's what you want to do, why didn't you vote me off the island when you had the chance?

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Re: ??? EHO level 1116 c1..
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Re: ??? EHO level 1116 c1..

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