I think the coFFEE I drank 17 hours ago just kicked into over drive or something cuz I be feelin' phunneey(!) & it sure as shit didn't do anything for me this morn! Damn! No matter how hard I fight I'm a freakin' night owl. Don't get me wrong, I like the sun, I'd even go as far as saying that for the most part I L-O-V-E the SUN!! But my mind tends to ramp up. You see it's super slow first thing in th' morn and as the day progress I fucking light up. Around the time I should be hit the hay in order make the most of the next day my head starts spinnin wit shit, good shit I mean. Creative juices flow like the rivers in spring and I start making upo all this loot fer yall to ponder if ya gots enuf patients to put up with the ramble bramble I be trowin atcha.