SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Obligatory "So why bother?"
by JER [jer SITOme]  2002-03-10 01:47:48 [3969]
(Ohmigod, I can't believe I'm getting into this discussion that's been had so many times before- nothing ever comes of it- but what the hey, I'm game.)

Dude, as much as you think I have a "limited perspective" on the grid games we play, I'd have to disagree. It might fuel your ego to think that people are trying to make you conform but really these limits you perceive are of your own construction.

There really isn't much of an issue here except I thought your contributions were ultra lame for the attention you seemed to be after. That's it, plus I thought there was a good flow going on between levels but you felt the need to consciously screw it up. No biggie, I'm not convinced I misinterpreted anything, cause I'm not convinced anything was there.

I mean c'mon, if the color of the universe is now beige instead of light aqua. it'll probably stay that way for a while. Do we need to see it the second it becomes public knowledge?

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Re: Obligatory "So why bother?"
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