"I have reacted and I am sorry -- but after seeing the movie - I am forever in line with OED in my estimation of crying over infinity for a second." After seeing what movie? Forever in line with OED? You guys are camping out in front of a theater and waiting in line for the premiere of the next Star Wars installment maybe? Crying over infinity for a second? Huh? What are you guys on? On second thought I'm afraid to ask. If anyone here is Soliere it's me. I'm surrounded by self-destructive Mozarts. But F. Murray Abraham could play the part of either Panza or Quixote. Any worthy actor must be able to play either part. MKC is the big winner here. He's totally vindicated. Who is rasterbating now? Both the octopus on level 598 and the collage that follows it on level 599 can be considered serious attempts at beauty. ...gridcosm?level=598 ...gridcosm?level=599 What's your excuse, SNY? Your apology is accepted but I want to know why you did it. Now I'll tell you what I should have told BUH but didn't because I wanted to avoid starting a flamefest. If you don't want to play let someone else play. Maybe ROZ could have done great things on level 1027. Or AAG. Or ODR. Or any of a dozen others. EHO had already made the best of a bad situation on level 1026. All that you had to do was chill and let the Grid slow down for awhile. Someone would have come along and pulled BUH's coals out of the fire eventually. I'm getting involved in this brouhaha because I wanted to continue playing with the exciting scientific discovery that the universe is beige on level 1027. You've deprived me of the opportunity.
I'm not kidding--the universe is beige. I read a news story about it at SlashDot.