SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Seamless transition awards
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2002-02-28 07:19:11 [3872]
Okay you can have one too ... if you insist. I just had the thought after seeing my squares posted that they could be easily miffed, but JER & ODR came through with some awesome shit. That's not to say what you (SNY) did, as well as SUH and TCA wasn't nifty, IT WAS!!!!! btw I like how the girls graduation hat and hair turned into a musical note when you shrunk it down (or did you manipulate???) Anyhow next to the pickup it makes sense. Seeing the picture of the kids all by themselves those is kinda a creeeeeeeppy....
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Re: Seamless transition awards

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