SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
grumble grumble
by jonathan prince [dgt SITOme]  2002-01-11 06:37:58 [3594]
are we seeing a pattern here?

Newbie comes in, newbie thinks its cool or at least cute, to blast away level after level.

Then newbie shocked that somehow people are pissed off. And we are amazed they dont get it and struggle to explain the unexplainable, the soup you can't taste until you swim in it. (WTF does that mean??)

Anyway, yeah, I agree - a FAQ is a good idea (easy for me to say, dont see me trying o write it, do you?)

forget what it (the FAQ) says (will say) for a moment....

I had a prof in college that on the first day of class he'd bring in a HUGE pile of thick boring looking books and spend a 1/2 hour boring students to death about how we will read ALL these ugly big books for the class.

Then, he'd say it was time for a 15 min break. and by the way, if people want to drop out of the class, come to him during break.

Half the class signs up to cancel class.

Then, the remainder of the class joins again, and he congrats everyone for actually being interested or at least willing to learn something. He throws the books aside and offers the two cool books that are actually required for the class.

ok somewhere in that ancient memory is a fable of sorts.

The FAQ should be a buffer between 'the community' and the riff raff that crawls in off the street. and the FAQ will scare the chaff away so we get the wheat - ok, nuff with the weird metaphors.

BUT! here's the problem.... If we want new people (and I think we all do) then we all need to make an effort to recruit.

At least, if people are recruited for this little open door club, there's a bit of peer pressure not to act like a moron. Which is as much as we can ask for, me thinks.


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