SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 910b3 & c3 - tanx silly!!
by JER [jer SITOme]  2001-10-22 20:51:00 [3273]
That photoshop tennis has been making the rounds for a couple of months. While I enjoy some of the "matches" it gets me a little peeved that people think it's this great conceptual innovation/revelation.

Hello? Can we say SITO panic in effect since 1994? The "players" do tend do be a bit on the "designer elite" side of things (I'm hoping to throw a few more quotations in here) So I hope they take you on KYT, methinks the SITO experience would come in mighty handy.

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Re: 910b3 & c3 - tanx silly!!
Re: 910b3 & c3 - tanx sil..

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