2 Crows in the Grid. A little history on the meanings of crows: When Pandora let out all the evils of the world from the box, only Hope stayed put. Sometimes symbolized by a crow. The old folk practice of "counting crows", also called "crow augury", has been said to predict the future. If you see one crow it foretells an unhappy event. Two means a change for the better. A trio signifies a marriage, four a birth. Five at once is a positive transaction or silver. Six signifies gold in the form of wealth or greed. Seven is something of spiritual significance, perhaps a secret. Eight foretells a life altering experience, while nine means something sensual. Ten signifies an overwhelming sensation. Eleven is uncertainty. A dozen crows is best of all, for they foretell fulfillment and riches, an end to a problem or the answer to a question. There is a children's rhyme which goes "one for sorrow, two for joy..." that incorporates the counting of crows. More crow stuff here: A Positive Light - As the Crow Flies <www.execpc.com> kiyotei (black bandit)