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Straight, But Not Narrow
by jonathan prince [dgt SITOme]  2001-08-14 12:24:22 [2722]
'A girl????

But Jonathan, I thought you were gay!

I guess it musta been all those "Pride Day Parade" pics you posted on


Sigh... seems to be the story of my life, lately :-P

No offense taken.

As the T-Shirt says: I'm Straight But Not Narrow

My neighborhood however is quite gay - the Gay ghetto of Washington DC (Dupont Circle). Which actually is not as Gay as its reputation. While Gays here are a significant portion, so are Embassy personel, Think Tank slaves, grad students, retired folks, as well as El Salvadorians and Ethiopians and DC's African American majority.

The US's Capitol is a melting pot and that's why I like living here - but the most photogenic part of this part of town are 'the girls' of the local Gay culture.

Taking pictures of a Think Tank employee just does not compare :-)


[not Gay, not that there is anything wrong with that]

kill your tv dot com <>

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