AUS, it’s a good warm place, a nest, between BAZ and BAZ, isn’t?… In response to your post: “Grid's looking mighty fine lately, and I mean it because a month or so ago I thought it sucked pretty loudly. I think BAZ is doing something for y'all, not that you aren't all instrumental in the orchestra. The colors have been good, and the think-bigging. I'll be back someday.” AUS, obviously, the day has come. IT’S UP TO YOU, to turn “sucking levels” into nice, not-sucking levels. It depends always on your contributions, instead of criticize them. We all do a hard work. Every “sucking” level can be turned into a beautiful - that’s my experience, btw . I’m not sure, if it would be enough, to post an arrogant(??) – please correct me - LaLaLa (level 838 c1). And, please, you are as SUBJECTIVE as everybody else. About sucking levels: “Don’t ask what the grid will do for you; just ask, what you can do for the grid”. (John F. Kennedy) Just in order to express myself. EHO ...gridcosm?level=854