Here it is. ...gridcosm?level=586 I don't think that you should stop posting, EHO. Your messages aren't difficult to decipher. She said: "He is a talented comedian and we are winners of two short-film-prizes." You're Lena Wertmuller? He said: "Bingo! He reminds me of Peter Sellers." Switzerland is The Mouse That Roared?
I've got to start contributing less frequently. I'm really getting on BAZ's nerves, I think. Perhaps some of the other oldtimers are hesitant to participate because of me. Beginner's enthusiasm has become a feeble excuse for being a chronic Gridhog.
I'm exploring SITO, expanding my horizons in areas like Panic. ...panic Also, I'll be starting a new gig later this month in which I'll draw digital doodles and post links to 'em. I'll begin this gig with no theme or strategy whatsoever. Just random doodling whatever comes to mind. Eventually I'll develop rough drawings into some kind of coherent project, possibly a fairly traditional cartoon strip. Transparent evolution will be the core concept. Web surfers will be given the opportunity to witness each step of the creative process. Please tell Mickey Mouse to stop crying. I'm very busy but I'll rejoin the party ASAP. Captain Spaulding (Groucho Marx) sez: "Hello, I must be going...."