SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 841 a1
by  [mail] 2001-07-24 02:58:21 [2549]

What's a "raid"-style cap? I can get one if I send EFF a hundred U.S. clams. EFF Memberships & Renewals via Credit Card <> Adobe wants to have their cake and eat it, too. They won't press charges but the feds will probably try Dmitry anyway. He's still being held without bail in the Land of the Free (a jail cell in San Jose, California). I'll dial EFF's toll-free 800 number and order another black Blue Ribbon Campaign teeshirt, a 65 dollar donation. Black and blue. Appropriate colors.

A stunningly predictable PR move... Adobe has dropped the charges. Sort of. So I'll sort of consider blowing 666 bucks on Photoshop. One of these years.

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841 a1

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