Jesus, EHO is talented. He could make big bucks as a commercial artist. Don't tell him. He won't have enough spare time to do Gridcosm if he becomes a big commercial success. The whole mayo thing started on 839-a3. I'll let AUS explain if she wants to... If she doesn't want to explain, the mayo explosion will have to remain a mystery until the end of time. ...gridcosm?level=839 Coincidentally, 839-a3 is also where I copped images from this GIMP Cocoa build-in-progress screenshot.
Way, way cool. NataLukas, I'll continue to use the copy of PS 5 LE that came with my Graphire pad, but NO WAY will I upgrade to a full version of PS. This will be a sacrifice and a big disappointment for me. But like hell will I let Adobe make me feel like a piece of dogshit every time I use their software. Adobe's consciousness pollution would disrupt my creativitity. Not worth it. And I won't let Adobe make me feel like a thief. Why should I steal their bloatware when the GIMP is free? ROZ pointed out that the GIMP can be used for Grid work. I feel sorry for professionals who HAVE TO use PS 6 because bosses and clients demand it... But, hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I don't have to spend six hundred bucks on Adobe, so I won't. Not unless Adobe drops the charges.