SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by Eva Hochreutener - EHO [eho SITOme] [email Eva Hochreutener - EHO] 2001-07-18 21:50:51 [2506]

I could not get warm to the underwear-pictures of the last level(s). Today I made a little bit order in the photoarchiv of my father (deceased 2 years before). I found this nice photo - he took it himself - fitting perfectly into the actual level(s). So I can’t prevent myself to present this picture. BTW, sometimes I am too naïve, believing that you make your pictures or photos on your own. For example 836 b1; I was very disappointed (and shattered, and angry) to hear, that this is a banal picture of the internet. Since two years I do artwork on the net, and I never took a picture directly from the net, pretending that it was done by myself, misleading other credulous people. A picture is done by myself: whenever I modify it, if I make a small- or the smallest - artistic or mental effort, if with such a means I can express something concerning me (or others), if I take or find something on my way as an inspiring honoured background for my own vision or intuition or humour (loosed?). My English may be very ridiculous; but nevertheless I hope that you can understand what I want to say. I express only my disappointment - I felt misled by 836 b1. Why? The first time in my net-life, I uploaded a picture listlessly - the pingu (836 c1), although taken from TV with my own camera, for a far day where it would be appropriate… Perhaps/surely I understood not the sense (of humour?) of 836 b1. Please, clear up, although I’m not enlightened. Thanks, EHO


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