SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: EHO 826-827 ("roads not taken")
by  [mail] 2001-07-08 21:02:15 [2439]
"Do you sell computers, TCA? 827-b3 I interpreted in such a way: 2 years later one will have gone blind on an eye. Is this a good advertisement??"

It's not an ad for Apple Computer, that's for sure. The Chinese KISS groupie will be running Linux on her TiBook two years from now. Say what?! Why not OS X? Maybe I'm a Red Hat salesman? ;-)

827-a3 + 827-c3 = Your Apple LCD monitor will turn into a casket and you'll become a feral ghost clown?

BTW, the WACOM tablet pictured is a 9 x 12 USB Intuos? Nice. I'm thinking about buying one of those.

Macintosh Quadra 610 <> This is a photo of my old Mac Quadra, which I bought in January 1994. It became obsolete soon after I purchased it, ROZ. It was replaced by the new PowerMacs later that year. These days, it's no longer web-worthy, but can still run Lightning Paint, which works with my 6 x 8 WACOM Artz II ADB tablet. It also runs Red Baron, a fun game. Both of these applications were originally coded in 1991. Needless to say, I haven't disposed of the Quadra. Eventually I'll install a second hard disk [an old 2 gig IBM UltraSCSI removed from the G3 during an upgrade] and run Debian Linux 68k. Freeware! Open source. Yay!

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Re: EHO 826-827 ("roads not taken")

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