SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by Nata Lukas [nlt SITOme] [email Nata Lukas] 2001-07-06 09:28:13 [2422]
Sorry for taking up so much of the canvas, but I just couldn't stop myself.


I started with c2, putting the third uncle Sam down. Stole the parking lot image off the adbusters site, felt a little text was needed and could only think of the BANG! of the fireworks. AN elemamt was still missing so off to for the sex sell (BANG!)

That square finished and I'd tasted blood, needed more. On to A2. The cat figure came straight out, but then I was stuck. A random jaunt into the past turned up some interesting stuff. ...gridcosm?level=554 I started at level 555 and looked back through 553. The stuff GIZ was contributing really caught my eye, so I copied 554 and threw into what I already had going.

With A2 complete, things started to fly. The blue dripping in on the A side screamed to be connected with the sky over in c2. I filled in b1 with the hint and suggestion of my sky idea, and was going to leave it at that. Just wait and see what folks would do with it. I was happy. I had my (GIZ's) six bomb baby, but as I was checking the original out ...gridcosm?level=553 that anarchist flag caught my eye. ...gridcosm?level=825 Shit. I had a freaking flag pole right there! I couldn't resist, so I ran my own anarchist flag up the pole to flutter in the breeze, god knows after all that patriotism it felt good.

Now A1 was done last. Wasn't gonna do it, but felt obligated. I guess I could of left the pixels here on the board to see what someone else would have done with it, but I was still having fun!


Good night!


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