SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: it's ugly I love it
by Eva Hochreutener - EHO [eho SITOme] [email Eva Hochreutener - EHO] 2001-06-24 22:46:17 [2309]
Oxen - I intended to design a bull-car (oxen car?)like they have in India - and in the past in Switzerland. I saw a big wheel like a millstone above SNY, and that's why I made this picture in order to pull it ahead. I'm a little bit unhappy about my lack of english, because I like writing and expressing myself. So all stays rudimentary, and you are a brilliant man of the word... But I understand almost everything, except the slang expressions and - I'm so sorry about it - your poems. Have a good evening!(When you are sleeping I'm awake and reverse). Love EHO
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Re: it's ugly I love it

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