"What about the rest of us?" BAZ's A3 on level 763 is great stuff. ...gridcosm?level=763 "A3 actually works for me" Thanks, I wanted to make that one blendy. Twas the whole point of A3 on 764, actually. "hogged the spotlight by spazzing out for an entire set, completely forgetting the rest of the band." I had a bad day. I made stupid mistakes despite knowing better. This is starting to remind me of those postgame interviews... You know, the NBA playoffs. 'I let the team down.' Anyway, reading J. Prince's post about 758 inspired me to review levels 758 through 766. I'm proud of the work that I've done on these particular levels, with the single exception of 764. I've been very slow to catch on, but I'm finally 'getting' Gridcosm... At long last. Do you disagree with my assessment? Do you think that ALL of my stuff stinks? A1 on 765 is an unimaginative mirror image of DGT's B1, and it's not terribly blendy, but at least I didn't hog the whole level... Okay, I promise I won't be so goddamn analytical about my squares all the time. Maybe I'll take EHO's suggestion and write boatloads of analytical poof about squares and levels created by OTHER PEOPLE back in 1997. And then 1998. And then 1999....