Wow - I was reading through the "Who would buy That?" blog and I stumbled across a picture of your spaceHat lady from 713: Who Would Buy That? (auction oddities from all over the web) <> Clicked the link and ended up on an eBay auction: eBay item 1123045379 (Ends Mar-20-01 19:14:59 PST) - Crashing MIR Space Station Detecto-Hat NR <> What a mind-blower epiphany! Someone actually paid $60.99 for the unit. Gives me all kinds of bizarre ideas for an auction-art-happening. Do you feel like collaborating on a avante-garde art-trickster piece? Perhaps a mailart assembly call for sale? It would be a gas - sales would then be donated to a charity or blown on a purchase of Jiffy Pop! kiyotei (digging under the fence)