SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: NO FLOW, go tho?
by Jon Van Oast [uwi SITOme] [email Jon Van Oast] 2001-03-03 08:08:40 [1378]
blendiness is open to some interpretation, but seems to share common aesthetic traits. its subtle and tricky. gridcosm may or may not have a root concept, but it has a flow and life.

your meditation is an intriguing idea which i might take upon myself. about the only hint or advice i can offer is make note of levels that grab you and move you and seem "together". then stare at the imaginary lines that would be the edges.

i often find myself exclaiming "oooo! cohesive!" at the occasional level ... then i know i have spent a little too long of time in gridcosmland! haha

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Re: NO FLOW, go tho?

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