SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2001-01-17 10:57:45 [1125]
No, I mean like ever. just had to be like panel I really really dig or dug. Or I HAD to have it finished for I placed a lot of work in it. But this interface is so damn fast the ; old way had a few more steps for me - especially when I was on the older machine which now sits dead in the basement.

Oh no what is to be pissed about - I have nothing to be pissed about - I mean - one cannot simply cannot alays be pissed off for shit sake.

I can say I have only seen fit to re-reserve on mid squares for like1 more time - then I just give up and leave it - leave it for the next soul... taint meant to be - that 150 for me.

I think I reserved on just the other night and just said screw it and let it time out.

Who knows I should be passed out now...


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