SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: problem MKC response
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2000-11-19 18:17:04 [840]
Dude -

There are TOO many people like you. I like them less - but I deal. I don't know you. All I know is that I - WE - have differences of opinion. You express yourself sometimes in a less than cool way. I came home from a night out - I had a few in me and just checked the board. When I saw you just say a hearty " fuck you " to your detractors it just made me steamed. You know? There are a shitload of people like you who rather than struggle to express themselves, or reasonably explain ( if asked ) choose to just appear the bully dullard and in a very common way tell everyone to fuck off. Well I ain't oner of those who is afraid to tell you that that method sucks.

You know I really don't care about your level of talent, the content of your panels or basically anything of what you do, honestly, how can I? I really try and wonder what motivates you.

I think: OK I can relate to the x-treme energy thing. I can relate to perhaps being a bit high and wanting to freak out this being the chosen medium. Thing is - it is collaborative. I admit I have taken a level or two - but in my way of working ( which you don't have to and most definitely won't agree with at all ) I keep in the back of my mind the essence of the Grid's collab deal. For god sake man - I am not saying you suck.


I can be a competitive, arrogant, misguided prick, a drunk and a fool I hold my arms up like Paul Newman in that rainstorm scene of " Cool Hand Luke " yelling out that I admit certain things.

I am allowed to address shit in this forum and you cannot halt that. You don't like a lot of the people here who god forbid ever question what you are doing a few times after being flipped the bird and a paragraph of your quasi-intellectual drivel.

Sorry dude - I will speak my mind. But that ain't so bad and in the end it only means something to those that choose to agree or disagree at all. But I don't call you names. I may think certain things are shit that you do but that does not mean YOU ARE shit. I think you cross the line and get personal - which in the end is a stupidity.

Easy indeed,


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Re: the real problem + my MKC response
Re: problem MKC response

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