" since 1996 I think...or 97 Others have played it just as long Ed Mike....Bean...Jon....Unk.... some others...I've read and read and read, but couldn't really find any guidelines for Gridcosm in this respect. I *am* having problems with blending edges, but think that aspect will get better as I go along.
I have a system now. Let me tell you it.
1 - You only need to blend when you feel you should. I am not an afficionado ( however long it has been that I have let this game assist/possess me. )
I start with a screen cap ( post reservation ) in this screen cap I place a single pixel dot at the uppermost corner of the square in question - OUTSIDE the perimeter.
Flatten image
Now....I set my lasso to 150 150 rectangular - only to come out of this should I need to get a pettern grab a piece of something etc...otherwise.... I keep it as such - in the main cap/piece/canvas/window/untitled-1
Blending - well you got to get in the trencehs and go pixel by pixel. If you have a yearning to blend - and after a few times missing the mark - I feel one gets their own comfortable method. I have never watched anyone doing their piece - it is like a mystery. I like it like that - but have thought of a video - some kind of witness video....no instructions...never more that the absolute 72 dpi technical.
150 x150.
Amazing I thought today and have thought other days about how this game gets us to really interact in a difficult challenging way - and on other day I curse myself for using it ( in my opinion of the moment ) as a procrastinatory womb...when I should be working.
Colors--I kind of got the impression that anything goes.
I usually keep open my screen cap and see what colors pop up from other levels...when looking to keep continuity.... then it is like dressing yourself - myself I finish off the piece with adorning splashes of referential colors torn from those past shrunken levels. If it IS me you're troubled with, let me know and I'll back off until I have a better understanding.
No... I really dig this game such much I swear it sounds corny - but I have - through it ( and LIFE ) reached a point where play is play.