SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Boob job
by JER [jer SITOme]  2000-09-11 20:59:01 [521]
Not sure what GIZ is seeing either but the inclusion of numbers in many of his posts reminds me of past grids when jonathan used to put red stars in his pieces.

RE: the grid and abstraction, there are actually times when I wish the grid would go totally abstract for a level or two. It would be a trip to see people just playing with color and shape and try to stay away from any representation whatsoever. I've tried pushing the grid in this direction a few times but sometimes I think people feel "safer" with recognizable images (myself included).

But in the end it's whatever you make of it; the grid is big enough to hold everyone's viewpoints. It goes on forever after all, right Uncle Ed?

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Re: Boob job
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