SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Video Games & grid index
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2000-09-08 20:50:52 [489]
An index is a *very* cool idea. We're planning to implement a search function, but indexing is an additional (though related) niceness. I'd like to set it up on a system of "suggested/reinforced keywords" such as I am working on (planning, thinking about, dreaming of, sketching) for the Artchive. Basically, every level/piece would start out with no keywords at all. SITOids could then add keywords as they see fit. Subsequent SITOids could vote on the relevance of those keywords and add their own. Keywords could get "voted" up or down the scale until they were either "burned in" or "voted out". That kind of search would be fluid, I think. Probably a lot of hidden nightmares... but let's not think about those.


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