SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: 5X5 grid for the 528
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2000-09-08 20:41:18 [487]
It happened because piece C2 was too big. Currently, the Gridcosm CGI doesn't change the geometry of incoming pieces. It will soon. I'm way too busy right now to fix 528/529... and it looks like people, in splendid SITO-fashion, have already blended the mistake into the Grid... so we'll probably just keep it. What do you think? It kind of sucks to lose the blending on the columns and the "2" row.

Be warned... all work from 529 upward might be wiped away this weekend if I get a bug in my butt to fix it. My decision can be swayed with Tofutti Cuties and cd's full of MP3s.


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5X5 grid for the 528
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