SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Gridcosm down, Gridiosynchrazy up
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2000-05-21 03:30:48 [264]
Gridcosm is closed for collaboration right now while we rework the interface. We were forced to move it from the old server before we were ready. While we're working on the new interface, you can still contribute to *a* Gridcosm... a manually controlled Gridcosm administered by Jonathan Prince. It's called Gridiosynchrazy!

Gridiosyncrazy <>

I think we'll somehow fuse this "splinter" Gridcosm into the main piece when we have it back up. Any ideas?


Re: Gridcosm down, Gridio..
Cross-posted: sito.synergy

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