SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Adaptation and the Fun-filled System
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2000-02-10 18:16:19 [149]
Now, now, let's not polarise things with words like "pariah". We're all gridmates, here.

My word of advice would be "moderation". I think it's alright to do full levels every once in awhile, but pace yourself. I can't dictate your frequency, but it seems that a lot of people (not just the people who've posted in the public forum) are disappointed by lack of opportunity to contribute to individual levels. Even if they aren't contributing, some are anxious to see the interwoven efforts of multiple artists. Level after level of one artist's work, regardless of effort/time/skill, seems like a violation of the project to them. Personally, I wouldn't have done so many pieces so quickly. In a perfect world, I would like to see eight different artists per level more frequently. How long has it been since that's happened, I wonder?

We could easily program that "eight unique artists" into Gridcosm, but we don't.

As much as I like "playing nice", I'm interested in seeing how the "system" recovers and adapts to elements such as your "blitzkrieg". HyGrid handles them much more gracefully. Gridcosm is far more linear and stepping on toes is inevitable.

I really appreciate your efforts, Mike. It is heartwarming that Gridcosm and HyGrid are worthy of your time and talent. We're flatterghasted (is that a word?). I'm interested to see how people play off of your pieces and levels. I don't think you're here to antagonise anyone or prevent people from participating, but some folks might feel swamped by your spirited level of contribution.

I think we just need to get even more people involved in Gridcosm. Man the recruiting stations! Everyone sponsor a new articipant!

We'll all get together at a SITO party someday and laugh about stuff like this.


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