Tuesday May 24, 2005 7:00pm-9:00pm This is the first cafe for '05! This year's version of the cafe will happen semi-regularly, maybe every two months or so, and will also switch locations. But just like last years, bring the comix that you make (to trade/sell to other people), the current comic or other drawering-type-project that you are working on, appropriate drawing materials, maybe some cash for food and/or beverage, and a positive attitude. Hang out, chat, imbibe/consume, and draw. It's as simple as that. Non-comix drawerers are of course welcome! Since it's a bar, unfortunately it has to be 21 and over. The Comix Cafe will take place at ACME, 1305 SE 8th Ave. (at Main St.) Accessible via Tri-Met bus: #4-Division, #6-MLK, #10-Harold, #14-Hawthorne, and #70-12th Ave. TriMet: See where it takes you. <trimet.org> Or ride your bike! There will be a bicycle ride to the Comix Cafe! Meet up at 6:15pm and depart at 6:30pm on-thee-dot. Start point of ride is at Liberty Hall, 311 N. Ivy St. One block south of N Fremont St, one and a half blocks west of N Vancouver Ave. (near Mississippi Ave) For more information on PDX Comix Cafe, or to join the mailing list, email us!