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Re: How about those new stats?
by Patrick Deshaye [pjd SITOme]  2004-02-21 15:14:15 [8494]
I sure dorked that one. I used 1.5mm instead of 1.05mm as the pinhead radius (that's the sort of thing that happens whenever I write calculations on a wet cocktail napkin) so the SA is way off. It should be about 3,460,000 sq. microns. And from the amoeba page, other sources list upper size limits at 60 microns, still others at "several millimeters". So you could get about 1200 amoebae, or zero, respectively. Either way, there doesn't apper to be much room on the dance floor, especially if one of the big ones shows up.

How big is an amoeba? The numbers are all over the place, from under one micron, to big enough to eat the Enterprise: Diameter of a Protozoan <>

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Re: How about those new stats?

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