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What do you think about this paintings??
by suzlee   2003-01-03 03:13:29 [5889]
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Abstract expressionism is a painting movement in which artists typically apply paint rapidly and with force to their huge canvases in an effort to show feelings and emotions, painting gesturally, non-geometrically, sometimes applying paint with large brushes, sometimes dripping or even throwing it onto canvas.The works of artists (suzlee) who paint in this style are characterised by a strong dependence on what appears to be accident and chance, but which is actually a highly-planned exercise. Usually, there is no effort to represent subject matter. Not all work is abstract, nor is all work expressive but it is generally believed that the spontaneity of the artist's approach to the work would draw and release the creativity of the unconscious mind. The expressive method of painting is often considered as important as the painting itself. Most of Suzlee's acrylic and oil on canvas pieces have a strong expressionistic slant. His brush strokes seem equally spontaneous, with alternating bold and fine lines.

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