Oh I'm so proud to have our own regional topic! Since I'm out of town right now I'll contribute with a calendar of past sito.nyc events: Shuffleupagus at Fusion Labs: Shuffleupagus <www.fusionlabs.org> Ed visit to NY (last november) Lenara's New York Photo Album <www.lenara.com> (scroll down) Ranjit's Lanternfest (february) Lanternfest Sunday Feb. 11 2001 at dusk <www.lanternfest.com> I presented a paper about Sito at the New School Conference (april) Critical Themes in Media Studies Conference <www.newschool.edu> Artists and Articipants: Sito Collabspace and Artchives <www.lenara.com> Sito videos at the "looping" screening (june) l o o p i n g <www.lenara.com> Game night at gamelab (roughly monthly, not really a Sito event, but Sitoids attend) gameLab <www.gmlb.com> --------- anything else for the list? and let's make an "upcoming events" calendar!! Len