...showart?show=sym.1997 My American Hot Jamie pretends to love someone else and I can't tell her how much that means to me. She suffocates me with her need without so much as a by-your-leave. And stands ominously in the doorway. She helps me with my homework perhaps because I fly through the valley of no return. Joy is mine. And I demand an explanation. Dreams of money will float through my conscious mind and I know now that it's all because of you. Into Your Heart. A guy called Your Computer Poet openly wants you. But the beat goes on. He speaks only of work and semen for the hundredth time. And fills you with joy. He is open-minded. Even though he seems to float into your heart, You've really changed. Because I love you. Odd cliches will follow you and I know now that it's all because of you. In A Dream your Computer Poet appreciates the adventure. In a dream. A sparrow lands nearby. To his surprise, he doesn't want any more. The day is tenderly pastoral and he won't believe this has happened before. ...