SITO / Discussions /
a timeless affair
by dale mc farlane aka 'DAWK'' [dwk SITOme] [email dale mc farlane  aka  \'DAWK\'\'] 2002-12-25 07:28:20 [5855]
your toons look flawless!i have studied cartooning for several years now,and am just starting to appreciate all the 'newances' and techniques.might i suggest sending this to a friend (editor amid amidi) of a insider cartoon publication. see; and look for (on the left side-news-page)the 'invite' from amid to 'story suggestions'. amid posted an article on my concept(actual gemstone cartoons) and he may use your idea-for 'news'. gd luck, dawk ...showart?show=rnr.0052

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