...showart?show=mct.0060 This, among others of your drawings etc. is a revelation to me. I'm not jocking and not exagerrating. I think your studies are not only very interesting but surprinsingly relatied to the king of work I do here, in Sherbrooke, Québec. I thought (after a lot of wasted time in places like ebay or other commercial - puah! places) that real artists disappeared (or are about to dissapear) from the surfecae of the Earth. Thanks God for small(big?) favours... By the way, I also teach painting - at a small recovery Center for catholic nuns...and I had a pupil, Sister Rachel who worked 40 years or + in Papua/New Guineea (it's somewhere around your place, isn"t it?) Glad to meet you, anyway... So long, Dan Iordache (alias Yan)